Obvious benefits of social media & ad platforms integration
Today, Google Ads is not the only platform where you can advertise your goods and services. Nowadays, advertisers are expanding their advertising activity to other platforms or social media, which today are a source of wider audience.
Each platform or social media site has its own process of creating and running an advertising campaign, its own unique interface, and its own ins and outs. In this regard, your employee would have to learn and understand the processes of creating and managing advertising on new sites, their features, and interface capabilities. It can take a lot of time to study all these features because an employee must not only understand how new systems work but also repeat the process of creating and placing ads.
Moreover, advertising platforms are constantly changing and improving, new features and capabilities are being deployed, the appearance is being modernized, and the interface is becoming more sophisticated. To be able to use new features skillfully, you need to not only track these changes promptly but also study their real-world application. All this requires the specialist to sacrifice his or her main resource for today — time. Any unsuccessful attempts to work with ads can cause the company to suffer unexpected financial loss.
On average, it takes 20 minutes to create the first ad on Instagram, and this excludes the time spent learning how the system works.
So, what if you are to create 1000 ad campaigns?
The more you need to generate ads, the more time it will take to create them in new advertising systems, even if you already have work experience with such platforms.
You can now automate ad creation — not only within one advertising platform. Adcubex will help you run one or more ads on several advertising platforms at once, and all this within a single unified interface, with its user settings (targeting, audience, etc.). You create an ad and with one click run it on all advertising platforms. The time saved will be directly proportional to the number of integrated platforms under 1 UI.
We should also note that with platforms integration, it becomes easier and more efficient to collect statistical data on advertising campaigns — because we can see the effectiveness of the same ad on different platforms, we can analyze the data and repeatedly run only those advertising campaigns that were the most effective and showed the best results.
Today, there seems to be a prevalence of user audiences with certain interests, age category and other characteristics on each advertising platform, be it Google, YouTube or Facebook. The functionality of these platforms enables you to customize advertising with these characteristics. However, to find out the most active audience, you need to create several accounts with different settings within one platform or to intuitively set up one account and watch its activity relative to similar settings on other platforms. You would agree that this is an uphill task, which is both time- and money-consuming. Some companies cannot afford such risks given the rapidly changing industry.
Adcubex can implement a solution whereby you can set the characteristics of a specific audience relevant to your product or service, and apply them across all advertising platforms at the same time and in one click.
Each advertising platform offers different functionality and features. The more platforms you have, the more time is needed to study the interface and create ad campaigns and groups. With a unified system, customized individually for the needs of the company, you will be able to both save time and generate income from it.
Result Monitoring
The creation of reports through various promotion channels is a time-consuming process. Moreover, while the company’s marketing manager is busy compiling analytics data into one table for analysis, competitors are already selling their new products. The integrated system can be configured to receive statistics and generate reports with the results of all ad campaigns online.
Quick Change in Strategy
Even a well-planned ad campaign is not always effective. The results and activity of campaigns can also be tracked while sitting on the monitor, or you can provide it to the system with a single UI for all platforms, which will react in time to changes in click activity or audience movement, and provide an instant report for further forecasting. Setting up this functionality will save you money or redirect the money to effective campaigns.
Once you invest in creating a unified system that combines all the necessary ad platforms with a customized interface and functionality, you will be able to save not only your advertising budget but also the resources and time of your marketing and advertising staff. These saved resources would have been spent on learning new promotion channels, collecting and analyzing advertising data.
Sometimes, automating the simplest ad management operations carries significant benefits. It is not always possible to do this on ready-to-use pay-per-click platforms; here lie the great advantages of custom solutions for your business.
The article is originally posted on adcubex.com