Why DevOps is Essential for Today’s Manufacturing Business
Manufacturing is no longer all about sweat and steel. Innovation is at the center of the drive into the future. Increasingly manufacturers across all spheres are onboarding new technologies at a never-before-seen pace. From automated robotics to Industry 4.0 to the Internet of Things (IoT). DevOps is the latest in the line of sought-after technologies. But far from being just another fad, instead, DevOps rapid development potential could spell the future for the manufacturing industry.
For more on DevOps, check out this article.
How DevOps in manufacturing works?
DevOps is a continuous development process that involves a number of technologies to meet a specific organizational goal. Using an ongoing approach means that a system or methodology is continuously updated and improved. It focuses on rapid development to be able to react quickly to industry changes. And nowhere could this be more important than manufacturing.
DevOps is increasingly being employed in the manufacturing industry to quickly solve the challenges that the industry faces. From the need to create a new product quickly to analyzing supply-chain efficiency to automating processes, DevOps presents a solution that is able to be rapidly deployed with astounding efficiency. It can help to:
- Manage applications.
- Create and implement new technology features.
- Update existing hardware.
- Streamline and automate internal processes.
- Make business more efficient overall.
3 reasons you need DevOps in your manufacturing business
In 2020, the world was hit by the COVID-19 crisis, which caused a drastic downturn in manufacturing across the board, with estimates of the drop looking as low as –16%. Almost all sectors and countries were hit. This highlights a significant industry risk — the current inability to adapt to adverse circumstances.
As we enter 2021 and businesses are starting to recover. One thing is clear — things need to change. DevOps could be the solution that the manufacturing industry is looking for, and these are the three reasons why.
Optimizing and automating processes
Social distancing requirements altered the way manufacturing could be done. No long could production lines be packed with human employees, at least not safely. COVID-19 posed a considerable risk to human health and the provision of essential products.
Manufacturers had to react quickly and adapt new solutions that were previously unplanned for. DevOps was one way of doing so. Its rapid and ongoing development structure allows for processes to be optimized and quickly. From creating an app to manage a production line to monitoring supply chain efficiency, speed is of the essence.
But of course, this is not the only reason to automate. Looking towards long-term growth is also essential. DevOps empowers businesses to adapt and explore solutions at a much faster pace. It also allows them to alter elements that might not work and add features that do without starting from scratch.
Innovating and staying ahead of the game
In business, it’s vital to stay one step ahead of your competitors, and that applies in manufacturing too. Every day new processes and technologies are being invented to make our lives more efficient. DevOps deliver businesses the potential to innovate with their sphere and uncover a better way to do what they do.
For example, a company manufacturing plane parts could be rapidly adapted to develop respiratory equipment (an essential during the coronavirus crisis) or something else entirely. In doing so, the business has allowed itself to stay relevant (and productive) even in times of crisis. It is this flexibility that is key in staying ahead of the competition. DevOps could provide the technology to adapt internal processes to deliver on new manufacturing potential.
It will become the norm
Now, it’s no longer a question of if it’s a good idea to use DevOps. It’s how quickly you can do it. Knowing how to make even seemingly minor adjustments in your business could be the key to impacting overall growth. From simply aligning your purchasing process with your supply chain or even adapting the feedback of clients into workable solutions, DevOps empowers fast development speeds.
This rapid cycle of development will soon become the norm across all industries — not just manufacturing. Buyer demand will dictate pace and direction. And those who fail to learn from the challenges of the past will soon fall behind. Companies who place their value on moving forward and take note of market changes will thrive.
DevOps and the future of manufacturing
Amid every crisis is an opportunity. While the effects of COVID-19 are devastating, it has delivered an enormous wake-up call to the world. We need to change how we do things. This applies whether we are talking about a business adapting their production line with automation that allows social distancing or a pharmaceutical company that needs to produce a large amount of a vaccine or something else entirely. DevOps is one way to get things done and fast. Rapid and continuous development helps a business adjust to the new normal and thrive in it. But the trick? That’s being prepared before a crisis happens. Employing a DevOps-focused strategy in your business promotes innovation and flexibility that allow your company to strive for future growth.
The article is originally posted on instinctools.com