Why Launching Ad Campaigns In Google Is Not Enough
If the first association which strikes your mind immediately when you think of contextual ads is “Google Ads” then you’re missing out on a lot of opportunities for your business.
Relying solely on Google in terms of advertising is entirely impractical. Here’s why:
According to data provided by StatCounter Global Stats (July 2018 — July 2019), the worldwide share of Google is 92.19%. Bing takes second place with 2.61%, Yahoo! — 1.85%, Baidu — 1.21%.
Feel bad for Bing, Yahoo! and Baidu already? Please don’t. They have about 110.000.000, 75.000.000 and 50.000.000 users accordingly. Too many people to ignore, isn’t it?
Aside from that, the share of Bing almost triples in the US market and reaches 6.34%. Not to mention Baidu, which is the indisputable leader in China. Its share runs up to 76.42%.
Thus, when choosing a suitable ads platform you should, above all else, take the territorial factor into account and study properly your audience to find out which search engines they prefer.
Of course, advertising must not be limited to search engines. Social networks bring great opportunities too.
These are perfect places to advertise a number of items. You can do literally everything here: from buying clothes and furniture to renting a flat or booking a holiday.
3.48 billion people are registered on social media nowadays. The leaders are Facebook (72.12%), Pinterest (14.47%), Twitter (6.07%), YouTube (3.89%), Instagram (1.76%).
Understanding the specific nature of your product is the key to targeting your ads correctly and choosing an appropriate advertising platform. One would barely look for construction supplies on Instagram — search engines are more suitable. As well as Google is not likely to be used to find some jewelry — social media wins this time. But integration throughout different platforms remains a crucial point. It is extremely important that potential customers, wherever they initially looked for a product, would come across it over and over again on different resources.
Speaking of which, we can’t help but mention mobile apps and messengers. That’s something we use up to… impossible-to-count times a day. Not only have they become an essential part of life, but they have also integrated into it so deeply, that they ARE our lives. Quite an opportunity for promotion of something, right? The user will be able to get acquainted with your product only checking their WhatsApp.
The only deal breaker could be the application itself: if the possibility of advertising is not built in its code, it means that the app doesn’t support ads function.
Anyway, don’t get trumped, sorry, trapped by setting Google-boundaries for your advertising campaigns. Expand your vision of business with ADCubex!